Friday, February 17, 2012

Finding Balance

I don't think I can ever recall anyone making a statement that 'raising a preteen is easy'.

Looking back on my time as a preteen I'd have to agree with my Mom...I wasn't an emotionally stable, neat or organized 12...nope, not at all. I can recall countless arguments about not keeping my room clean and helping (should read 'lack of helping') with chores around the house. As a preteen I never thought I would be on the parenting end one day.


Now Colton, as we know, has just celebrated his 12th birthday. He has officially entered his preteen years. Sometimes I feel as though my children grow up in the span of an afternoon. It just seems to happen that fast. Blinking (as a parent) is not allowed.

Finding balance is our new least the one that exists in our home as of right now. The challenge of being a parent and not always a friend. Accepting that some days they just don't like you. Or your decisions. Or the consequence. Its the challenge of living with my own decision to follow through on rules. The anxiety I experience thinking of sitting down to chat about decisions and having conversations that are just sometimes not going to go in his favor. And then sticking to it as parents. Communicating constantly. The say the tough.

Raising children is like the obstacle course that is ever changing...sometimes its smooth sailing and sometimes the rock wall ahead brings challenge. Gotta take the good with the bad...and always, always, always reinforce the love you have for them. Sometimes we as parents may seem unreasonable in our children's eyes.

I just hope that mine always know the love we have for them is unmeasurable.

No matter the challenge.

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